Writing “Stuff” on Internet

The perception, or misconception, today is that social media offers a safe space and a certain degree of protection, even impunity, for those expressing a point of view. Social media should offer and be respected as a safe space; however, as none other than Mike Tyson said, social media is making people too comfortable.

Internet and Safe Spaces

It’s unlikely that many people would want to take Mr. Tyson to task for his opinion on that matter, but there are those who simply can’t help but raise their heads over the parapet and, disregarding the notion of safe harbour, antagonize and polemic others, including boxers elsewhere, often for no other reason than the satisfaction of having prompted a reaction. It is best not to forget the real-world consequences of virtual reality misconceptions.

An example, one of many:
A Twitter troll in the UK, thinking their virtual safe space granted impunity, decided to mock a British boxer with a series of disparaging comments. Needless to say, the troll was unpleasantly surprised to see the boxer, as had been announced, appear at the troll’s front door.

Another reality check, of a less physical but an equally effective nature, happened when a Dublin-based hotelier was approached by a so-called “influencer” seeking a quid pro quo.

The “influencer’s” quid pro quo was a gratis weekend stay at the hotel in exchange for free exposure to the influencer’s 78,000+ social media following. The retort from the hotelier, detailing his own substantially larger exposure was one any faculty offering Social Media influencer courses would do well to add to their curriculum.

This particular exchange resonated because, while knowing little of boxing, I do have a fair degree of experience and am acquainted with the ins and outs of hospitality and the hotel trade.

To be brief, a time long before the Internet, social media, and so-called “influencers”, I was the co-owner of a restaurant in a small French town (I was also server, dishwasher, occasional cook, and “goffer” errand boy) and did whatever was needed, whenever it was needed to run a business.

Le Nautile

Some things Will Never Change

In hindsight, it was a trying time and nothing to wax lyrical about, with more thought given to making ends meet than anything else, and the only influencers we ever lost any sleep over were the bank, the tax authorities, and the social security administration. It was a time when criticism was expressed at the table or outside, not remotely or virtually.

Fundamentally, nothing appears to have changed. The work is the same, the hours are as long and as anti-social as they ever were, and the clients, still as judgmental if not discerning.

The difference now is that artisans and entrepreneurs must be mindful that every client is potentially a critic with a platform, that every self-respecting influencer with a revenue-generating Instagram/TikTok account or YouTube channel is an opportunist on the lookout for a quid pro quo, and that consequently, artisans and entrepreneurs must be just as artful in the control and usage of images and communications.

Scales of Justice

The case of the Dublin-based hotelier was eloquent. Not only did the entrepreneur show acumen with their handling of the interaction, but by detailing the extent of their social media exposure, they, hopefully, also gave the quid pro quo-seeking influencer something to ponder on. The peak of the exchange came when, having reset the scales of social media justice, the entrepreneur then went on to explain how, on top of everything else, they, and I quote, also wrote “stuff” on internet.


Comments: These posts is to offer a personal, distinctive, and hopefully positive point of view. In an effort to improve the reader experience, constructive comments are always welcome; all other comments will be considered.

…and thanks for considering paying me a coffee to help attain my goal of moving to Spain https://ko-fi.com/ripper38

About nickrichards38

I write "stuff" on Internet, in other words, I blog. I also have a couple of more expansive works, see in the following link: http://www.amazon.com/NJ-Richards/e/B0094FXXEW
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