Awaiting The Big Reveal

It’s been a while—three months—since my last post, which begs the question: what could possibly have happened during that time that merited a quiet period?

“… And how do you explain this gap in your resumé, Mr. R?” … a question I doubt I’ll ever hear again.

There is no such thing as a setback.

As it transpires, a lot can happen in three months; in fact, the mind may boggle at what can happen and be achieved in three months.

Shifting Paradigms

For example, paradigms may shift; a company may revise its strategy; site offices may downsize; Corporate may issue reassurances of continuity; personnel may [choose to] relocate to greener isles; other personnel may choose not to and be granted garden leave (with a package for a good buy); with said package in hand and in pursuit of an objective, several trips to a future place of residence may happen, so yes, there’s a lot and more that may be shoehorned into three months.

But more crucially, something may have happened during this time that forced the reprogramming of a critical milestone further down the road, despite the fact that, at first glance, what happened had no bearing whatsoever on the milestone or its purpose.

An immutable milestone. “Some things will never change” (Bruce Hornsby)

Whatever the reason, a deep dive into a maze of administrative procedures ensued leaving no time to ponder and rue or, assuming you have a garden, get the hoe out.

The concern was no longer about how whatever happened happened in the first place. It happened, and a rethink of priorities was necessary since the conundrum it had created was akin to having to put a Chinese puzzle box back together, not knowing where to start and without knowing whether all the [right] pieces were there until the very end.

And to that end, a number of different tasks need to be completed—some aligned, some major, some minor; some must-dos, some that had to be completed on a given date—no sooner, no later—and some you weren’t aware of. Everything must flow together, and the sooner, the better.


If there was one thing in all this that could have possibly kept me awake at night, it was not the mass of tasks, all equally important, that needed doing. It was not even the why, nor the how, nor the what-for, nor even the when they needed going—and I admit, I am prone to procrastination—but the need to see it all coming together, because, you see, in world of VAK, I am a V the Visual. It was the revealing of the final construct I needed to see, but it kept eluding me.

…and then, as if detecting a creeping sense of frustration, the subconscious sends a signal: I dream I’m walking along a cliff path towards a beach but on reaching the edge of a precipice I’m forced to stop. I look down at the beach below but see no way of reaching it. And then, looking round to my left, I discover a path that will allow me to continue on my way down to the beach below.


A bridge and a Conundrum

When the paradigm shifted, a bridge was crossed, and while one of my core principles is to never burn a bridge unless there is a very good reason to do so, there was no reason to consider burning anything this time because there was simply no reason to want to go back or even to continue along that particular path; the bridge had been crossed and way was forward and elsewhere, and the puzzle box of a conundrum I was faced with was far more important than remorse or cogitation; there were things that needed doing and they needed doing with an unencumbered mind.


Comments: These posts offer a personal, distinctive, and hopefully positive point of view. In an effort to improve the reader experience, constructive comments are always welcome; all other comments will be considered.

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About nickrichards38

I write "stuff" on Internet, in other words, I blog. I also have a couple of more expansive works, see in the following link:
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